Increase, power, folk methods for men

All the factors, negative range of motion, strength, and can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and organic.

Public methods for men


  • Fatigue and mental exhaustion due to high loads (with a big responsibility, Time, emotional experiences, mental load, a large amount of information about learning or processing);
  • Depression or [supermassive status;
  • Posttravmaticheskoe syndrome (severe life events experienced after the status, e.g., divorce, death of a loved one, etc.);
  • Low self-esteem and high anxiety-related failures, personal life, discontent with his good looks, penis size, etc.;
  • Hypochondria – excessive anxiety health into the hands of a time, there's a guy who wants a nonexistent disease or hazard present and forever afraid of losing male power is given to exaggeration;
  • The conflict resulted in disappearance I have a sexual urge for the partner.


  • Endocrine disorders: hypogonadism, pituitary tumors, thyroid disease, etc., as well as to create uncontrolled intake of anabolic steroids Nov;
  • Vascular disorders: decreased arterial blood flow to the penis. Usually this is the cause of atherosclerosis, heart disease and blood vessels (hypertension, ischemic heart disease);
  • Neurological disorders – disease of the conductive paths problem the nerves (the nerve endings of parasympathetic nerve the sacral vertebrae, etc.);
  • Toxicological factors: smoking, alcohol, substance abuse;
  • Medical factors: sometimes a side effect of medical drugs Power actions designed for long-term intake;
  • Factors inflammatory character: acute and chronic prostatitis, infections, sexually transmitted infections.

For these reasons, in practice the psychological nature of impotence the most common (fatigue, stress, lowering of mood), and vascular diseases due to weakening of erection, prostatitis. Turkish folk medicine to successfully fight them, won, because in the motion the reasons, men are always very effective piggy bank and collected the folk wisdom of turkey recipes, suitable for all ages and is available for home use.

At home fast how to increase power

A call to men to develop an erection fees with alternative medicine herbs and essential oils. But normal strength, and if you get rid of bad habits, stress and excess weight. Enhancer is a tool for the people of Turkey in men is absolutely unacceptable, if you have allergies. You will not be prompted to appoint them yourself. If you are thinking about, how to improve potency in men by natural means, these tips will be read:

  • Follow BMI. Obesity studies that lead to a breakdown of all the organs to any extent.
  • Spend water therapy every day. Contrast shower and a relaxing bath with sea salt contributed can relieve stiffness and improve blood flow.
  • Avoid long-term stress and depression. Modern medicine, many techniques, which aims to fight the factors, the basic situation. Review about your business a strong stress.
  • Follow hormone levels. Regulate all body functions, these biologically active substances. Might reduce monitoring of hormone levels and will help to prevent disability.

Among plants, contribute to, improve your sex life, the most popular ginseng. Root tincture and honey 350 grams in all cases, have the ability to heal impotence. Such a result, due to this ginseng contains plant hormones. Based on the mixture, prunes and honey bring back is capable of not only male power but also restore the immune system. You need to prepare for him:

Power for lawn
  • 300 grams honey;
  • 200 grams chopped prunes;
  • 200 grams chopped dried apricots;
  • 200 grams chopped nuts.

Use the potency Nettle for normalization. Poured 250 ml of boiling water a tablespoon of raw. Broth infuse for 30-40 minutes. The liquid to separate the 3 parts and after meals. Nettle stimulates the genitourinary system potency and improved thanks to the swelling goes. Seeds, plants, mix it with honey, and then 1 tablespoon a day for cooking.


Universal power tool in the house to cook, a folk, on the basis these plants are not. Some stereotypes are not who suffer from allergies to garlic and other smell and taste like him. The plant thins the blood and this must be the use it contains a lot vitamins. Traditional cooking method of the garlic tincture is as follows:

  1. You need to take 1 kg of plant, the slurry grind him and the sheep three-liter jar.
  2. The mixture pour boiled water, wrap the lid tightly and place the jar in a dark place for a month or paper towels.
  3. Shake the tincture once a day.

Tincture with milk for 30 days along with Get possible. A teaspoon with a glass of liquid is placed in the mortar. Until you take the tincture will not end. Not bad, self a mixture of garlic, honey, nuts, and root of pink rhodiola. A quantity of 1 tablespoon after each meal to get him in. To increase the effect, mixture, drinking water, bananas.

Essential oils

You can prepare a car for the people of Turkey at home with power concentrated plant extracts. Not only to take into consideration when choosing essential oils, tips experts, however, individual body features. If not, the scent of cinnamon, much of her essence will increase the power of man. Help increase power in the house, a mixture of languages, essential oils aroma lamp:

  • 1 drop of Atlas cedar;
  • Vetiver 1 drop;
  • Cinnamon 2 drops;
  • 2 drops rosemary;
  • 3 drops ylang-ylang;
  • 5 drops lemon.

The strength of men will be instantly back only a tool for pharmacology, but exceeding them in favor of hurt. All kinds of herbs and essential oils, harmless to your body, but every male, you will be able to deal with them, it's a choice. In the same way all the time for recipes to learn folk, male power, and then try to Cook described tinctures and teas with them. In cases like this will help:

  1. Daily exercise. Physical stimulating hormone stimulate the production, stamina and helps to combat various disorders.
  2. Denial bad habits. Alcohol, sugar and tobacco constrict blood vessels, this then leads to a lack of blood flow and impotence.
  3. Coping with stress. Withdrawal emotional tension – the same the important thing is, how out of this comfort zone is a way out. If stress accumulates, then a person appears, any disease of the internal organs, and the behavior of the deviation.
  4. Restful sleep. Without rest, the entire body will be full of the power system does not work. The continuous deterioration of erection lack of sleep is normal.


The increased power in the House Turkish folk remedies is usually temporary. At the same time, indicates a decreased male sexual power psychological or physical problems. Experts diet Review increase erection. Food should contain full vitamins and minerals. You want to add the menu:

  • parsley;
  • seafood;
  • turnip;
  • the garlic.

This doesn't mean, your diet will consist of just the above product: eat healthy foods. The problem you've experienced with body weight, exclude meat and heavy fat meals. Guests seafood and in particular oysters and flounder that are useful for developing erections. Complex that contains amino acids and zinc, responsible for the production of testosterone.

For recovery, male power Medicine recommends drugs, but often they have a large amount contraindications. Turkish folk recipes to develop the power to solve the problem, not less effective. Pathology is having the symptoms that the reasons are different, and therefore consult a doctor before starting treatment. Expert:

  • identify why the problem arose;
  • advice, what needs to be considered;
  • you can take advantage of the medicinal plants, which is recommended.

Turkish folk remedies is there a cure that requires power for long, but a long-lasting result. Effective recipes, herbs and plants the decision on many tasks:

  • increase erection;
  • normal sex hormones production;
  • increase libido;
  • dilated blood vessels;
  • activating blood circulation to reproductive organs;
  • eliminating inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • help improve sex drive;
  • improve immunity.
To increase the potency of honey

Useful products

Increased strength, and men are only implied in the use of Turkish folk remedies, medicines, formulations etc. Foods that can be a big help, additives and recovery of sexual power, if you incorporate them in your daily diet. Useful ones:

  • oysters a natural aphrodisiac, it contains zinc, an assistant labour the male hormone, testosterone, libido;and promote
  • parsley – promotes circulation to fill the blood in the penis, re-erection.

Violation potency useful products:

  • mackerel contains vitamins, zinc, fatty acids increases sperm quality and improves the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • nuts – the strength of the stimulating effect which increases the production of testosterone;
  • et – supports hormonal stimulation;
  • chocolate – libido;and promote
  • fruit – banana, strawberry, mango and increase the duration sexual intercourse;
  • vegetables, celery, beet, carrot – excite libido.

Traditionally used in Turkish folk remedies for the treatment dysfunction and enhancing effektivnoe following:

  1. Must drink the broth cook a little cooking liquid and a feedstock obtained;
  2. Infusion – in this way, a component (or mixture) is poured into water and the infusion is a period of time throughout;
  3. Tea – brew regular black tea and drunk or grass Yesil;
  4. Alcoholic tinctures are usually used for the production of their vodka is pure alcohol a less common wine.
  5. Enriched with oil – infusion of the same, but instead of water, a vegetable oil will be the basic components that will form the basis of quotations for a title during the useful substances of plants.
  6. Staff compresses.

Candles, honey. That serves as the basis for them is fat. You can use the, goose, goat, boar, Badger and extreme sensuality Vaseline or pharmacy. Additionally, a need 0,5 liter vodka (or diluted drink peeled 40°C alcohol), and 0.5 kg of the wax cake.

A tool for the people of Turkey for men enhancer

This is a fast way to get the result that you want to allow in 30-40 minutes. It should be noted immediately, mustard, along with severe neurological and endocrine disorders is just a no. This method is contraindicated for people angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease.

To increase the effect it is recommended to add the yellow card and two area, sacrum, Prima TV them with a towel.

Remember, you are not able to put mustard, skin diseases, and as such, the fungus in the feet is a contraindication. Recommended pre-check mustard leather like with your head held high, if not putting them before – it may be an allergic reaction. To verify that the status for a yellow card to insert to any site on the skin for 10 minutes. Redness, mild itching or a feeling of warmth is normal. A strong edema, tumor pain, application hives allergy symptoms.

Useful products

Saving sexual function in men after the age of 60 prolongs the life of the incentive. At this age and becomes natural decrease in testosterone, strength, and observed a weak sex drive. To solve this problem of people using turkey recipes. Effective to increase the potency recommended to be consumed before eating 3 times a day. Caused by equal amounts of medicine etc..:

  • nettle seed;
  • honey;
  • red wine.

Old men use it as beneficial to root Calamus gum three times a day. Application Rhodiola rosea infusion impotence gives good effect to develop. Medicine etc .. so prepare:

  • the roots in the soil;
  • for clothes 2 times more water;
  • in hired bath 10 minutes;
  • insist half an hour;
  • filter;
  • get a 100 ml three times a day.
  • A teaspoon of honey and mix with onion seeds in equal quantities to get to every day. Such a composition not only protects male power, but increases the concentration of active sperm and seminal fluid, inflammation of the prostate gland treatments.
Thyme strengthens male sexual power


Thyme stimulates the adrenal produce testosterone, responsible for libido and potency. Infusions and decoctions of thyme is durable and long lasting erection which exist as part of the proximity.

  • 1 tablespoon dried herbs pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 5-7 minutes. A tea like drink ½ cup 2 times a day for 10 days, then a 2 week break again.
  • Hair mix 1 tablespoon black tea with three buds, wild thyme, and 1 tablespoon mint. The mixture of boiling water, brew and consume a regular source. For the best effect you can drink a paste by adding honey.
  • Oil, thyme. I have sold this, but if you want, this can easily be done at home. You need for this 0,5 liter vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) and 100 g. dried thyme. These glass containers into the grass to sleep, pour butter, at room temperature, to remove the cover in a cool place, away from sun, for 14 days. You can scan regularly shake. By using the existing oil perineal massage to night.
  • Vodka tincture. 100 g required for its preparation. pour half liter of vodka dried thyme and let it sit for 2-3 weeks, then strain. Discard the pulp and tincture, taking 20 to 30 drops in 1 day.