The human papilloma virus

infection on the eyebrow

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is located exclusively in the basal layer of the skin, and their reproduction occurs in the upper layers. It is a disease that is characteristic of his chronicle in the form of periodic relapse.

You can read more about HPV, the description of the

HPV is contaminated with more than half of the population of the Earth. A part of them, they are just carriers of the disease, and the other with the virus that manifests itself as one of the papillomatosis of the skin, and mucous membranes. At the time, is a viral disease that can be the causative agent of cancer in the revival of the cells. HPV is an infection that is the result of the Papovaviridea, you can get in and modify the skin cells. It is a benign new growth that is formed in any area of the body.

  • the neck;
  • below the bust;
  • in the stomach;
  • in the face.
  • in your genitals;
  • in the armpits;
  • in the mucosa of the oral cavity, nose, lips;
  • the mucous membrane of the internal organs.

This infection belongs to the intracellular parasite, which is unable to self-reproduce, and to do so, use the cells in the human body. The virus injects its DNA into the chromosomes of a man, and thus he infects enough of it. To reduce the it can increase the immunity, one can observe that one of them had been built before I dig into the revitalization of this disease. This is due to the need for the treatment of HPV. The development of this disease is rampant in the cells of the body, but that it exists outside him, he can, but not for a very long time. As the cells of a living organism it is called a failure in their division.

infection in the brush -

The period of incubation and the stage of development of

The incubation period of the virus is different. This type of virus is a quirky, invisible to of the terms. A subclinical form of the occurrence of reports of the disease, which is characterized with the advent of discreet, with a simple inspection of the eruption, which may cause discomfort to the patient, in the genital area. Therefore, it can infect many different species of humans. Under the influence of certain factors, the virus is activated and begins to reproduce, and the disease is in the period of clinical manifestations. In 90% of cases for the year is healing and, in some cases, it may occur as a chronic relapsing current, with a high likelihood of a malignancy (which will depend on the type of virus). The disease occurs in four phases (phase):

1, the phase (start) – latent state, during a human papilloma virus infection. The virus exists in the body, but it does not speak, does not cause transformation of the cells. In this phase, you can reveal the PCR analysis;

2 – it takes for clinical signs of tumors of the skin. The virus that can lead to a division in the epidermal cells. At this stage, the virus be detected during the course of the PCR, cytology, and histology (it is detected by the presence of hyperkeratosis);

(3) dysplasia. By changing the structure of the cells (stained) is seen under the microscope, as well as the DNA of the virus begins to interact with the DNA in the cells and causes the development of a call in an integrated form. For diagnosis, PCR is used in the methods of the cytology and the histology, as well as a colposcopy;

The 4-stage – to-child. The development of the virus that causes the mutation of cells, and the appearance of the malignant cells. Trained invasive cancer. The diagnosis happens to all of these techniques and the clinical manifestations.

The types of HPV that

Set up more than one hundred types of HPV cause damage to urogenitalny in the way of a person, affects the epithelium of the skin and of the mucous membranes of the sex organs – for 35 species. For all of the types of HPV that are to be used for the classification based on the types that appear in warts, rashes and other skin manifestations. Typing for HPV is with the description, it looks like this:

  • the different types of warts, the causes of its inception and is responsible for HPV is from 1 to 5 such as;
  • plantar warts (they are of the mind to remind us maize (corn) – 1-4 types of HPV. Typically, they are generated in places where there is rubbing of the callus, or in a pinch. In such places, and the skin becomes thicker, and when pressing it causes an unpleasant sensation. These warts do not go on their own and require surgical removal. There are two types of plantar warts. It is a type of grow deep into the tissue and is very painful, a different kind of reminiscent of the multiple tumors, as it would be stuck to each other, these kind of moles hardly gives you a feeling of pain,
  • flat warts– 3, 5, 10, 28, 49 flavors. More often than not they are affecting the palm of the hand to the face. They are usually found in younger people, and as a result, this type of wart is called a youth. Of the body lots of time to deal with the infection;
  • warts are common, with 27 types of HPV;
  • the verruca vulgaris – the virus is the type 2 is usually the proper body to deal with this type of virus. It is in the past, the only way;
  • the dispersion of the Papillon
  • he pointed warts, which affects women in the vagina, the vulva, the genitals, the cervix, vagina, anus, and the man may be the head of the penis, on the skin of the prepuce, which is also the location of-way flight journal – types-of-6, 11, 13, 16,18, 33, 35;
  • The HPV of highly oncogenic risk, and that triggers a condition is a pre-malignant – 39 type,
  • finds a warty epidermodysplasia. It is of two types: one being referred to as HPV 5, 8 and 47 types of skin cancer 9 out of 10, this virus is there in blood of a patient, and another type, called an HPV, 14, 20, 21, 25, and the types typically cause benign tumors;
  • laryngeal papillomatosis — a virus 11 type. Is normally passed on from the mother to the child, but they can be infected by oral sex. Causing difficulty with swallowing, hoarseness, and the number of papillomas great impairment of the respiration;
  • boveney papulez. This kind of triggered a 16, sometimes an 18, 31-35, 42, 48, 51-54 types of HPV. More often than not, which may occur in the representatives of the male half, they have a lot of sexual partners. Externally, these courses will appear as semi-circular or flat tumors with a smooth or rough, the color is variable, ranging from very light to very dark. The disease can pass it by and of itself, is a neocolony type of virus.

The symptoms and characteristics of the occurrence of the reported HPV infection in men, women, and children

To overcome the infection at an early stage can increase the immunity of the person is strong enough to do it. More often than not, the disease does not develop, and the presence of HPV, the person does not even suspect, as well as the external, and the symptoms may not manifest themselves. But, after a period of time (months or years), you may experience some of the symptoms of the HPV infection. The statistics say only 5% to 10% of the people who have the flu, which is present in the external symptoms of the disease, HPV (Human papillomavirus). The disease is asymptomatic, with the majority of the people do not have signs of the disease. When you need to turn on the virus that can occur in tumors of different types, that you are talking about the presence in the body of the HPV types that are different. Space, location and also talk about the type of the virus. For example, the papillomavirus, and they have the appearance of a soft tissue tumor (filamentous warts), which is mounted on the foot, and the color can not be different from the color of their skin, but are sometimes pigmented. It may appear rod-like tumors, and soft to the touch, pinkish color.

For women, the specific cause of the illness is that the onset of the disease may occur in one of the scenes, and it sometimes leads to the formation of warts, papillomas. Infected with the virus, women may not notice any symptoms until the onset of menopause, a time in which the virus could cause a cancer cell to the mucosa of the genital. To prevent the onset of development of cancer of the cervix of the uterus, caused by the presence of HPV, also help to regulate the inspection of a healthcare provider. As well as the outer, this condition may not hold. Children, while under the influence of the virus may develop warts on the skin, papillomatosis of the larynx (usually in the chronic form. Papillomatosis larynx causes respiratory problems to the syndrome, and asphyxia. Of the skin, warts that are present on 12% of the students, it is the most common dermatological disease in children.

the diagnosis

HPV and pregnancy

HPV plays a pregnant woman, it is not a disease that is dangerous to her and to the future of a child. The mother-to-be should be wary of, if only he had discovered the 6 or 11 HPV types that cause warts on the genital or anal acuminados), that is, during the transmission of a new-born baby cannot have an effect on the way that the breathing of the papilomatosee. In the presence of the body in such a quantity or in locations that will prevent the expulsion of the fetus, it is possible to assign a c-section, as well as the usual birth, condilomas they are able to lead to the development of bleeding. All of the other forms of the infection (reconciliatory losses) are not harmful to the child and to the progress of the pregnancy.

The diagnosis is, and who should be on the look

For the diagnosis of papilloma virus in human use, the following search methods:

  • the staff, the physical examination of the patient.
  • an examination of the blood.
  • colposcopy;
  • the cytology of a pap smear – pap smear;
  • the histology of the tissue;
  • PCR – polymerase chain reaction. In this analysis, it is possible to not only learn about the presence of the virus, but also to determine the its type. But if the test is positive, it does not mean that this is the type of HPV that is not going to go at it alone. This analysis will also identify all of the types of the papilloma virus;
  • urethroscopy;
  • the biopsy specimen.
laser treatment

If the external signal in the form of precipitation, not the patient's complaints do not exist, and in the presence of DNA from HPV, it just is determined by the analysis itself can range from transient viral infection (the human being is the carrier). Due to the fact that HPV may be the cause of the disease in the various organs, if there is one, to appeal to the doctors in a number of directions. If you have a wart on the skin of the face and the body to turn to a doctor. When the plantar wart -- to the doctor or the surgeon. When the cells in the men to a urologist (surgeon), women are at the doctor (the surgeon). If condylomata are present in the area end of the day, so you will have to go to the proctologist. If you think that barodawala epidermodysplasia you to a dermatologist or a doctor. Laryngeal papillomatosis requires a treatment of the speech therapist or the surgeon, boveney papulez, you should consult with a urologist or tested for sexually transmitted infections. It is also necessary to make a differential diagnosis with the diseases, such as microa papillomatosis vestibular papillomatosis – that is, to the contrary, HPV infection, and the treatment they require, as well as when the marriage of the exterior features are the anatomic normal. The output of the regulation, the values from the analysis of a blood will show it's a lack of places.


Once treated, the way the HPV or not? Today, it is not known for any antiviral drug that is able to remove the HPV from the body. Various interferons and other drugs in this series – just reduced now available acuminata, but is not effective in reducing the frequency of the appearance of new ones. The main form of treatment is removal of the papillomas. The main removal methods are:

  • the operating room. It is done under local anesthesia.
  • small. Radiowave electrode is cut out the tumor, koaguliruut the vessels. After you are done with the antiseptic, bandage;
  • to laser. This method is contact-free and without the shedding of blood. The local removal of remains in the crust, beneath the same, as occurs in the healing process. The disadvantage of the method is considered to be at high risk of the recurrence of the disease, the price is relatively high, and the need to redress the remaining scars;
  • electrocoagulation. From the results, and the performance is similar to that of the two previous ones, the way;
  • cryocoagulation. The complete removal of papillomas, occurs after the completion of the various sections.

While using each and every one of these methods, and the complete removal of all the external manifestations of the virus, it could not be considered under any circumstances, the removal of the infection, but it's just concerning, because the man does not cease to be a person who is hiv-positive, and after a short time, the warts may occur again and again. The ideal of non-operative treatment for all types of patients (men, women, and children, it does not exist. An alternative that may be considered to be from the laser removal. But, at the time of the application, there is a risk of cancer (malignancy) papillomas. After the procedure, the patient is prescribed an infusion of a single dose of a drug that prevents swelling, it also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection of the wound. Over the course of therapy of HPV that are completely ruined, you should stop having sex until the healing is complete, and also carry out a search and, if necessary, treatment of the partner.

and herbal teas

The home treatments and home remedies

In addition to the traditional methods of treatment, and use of, and others, who are now officially recognized in medicine, and that you can make at home:

  • For the treatment of warts, salicylic acid. Each and every day, you should be explaining and talking points on the warts with a solution of an acid (15-20%). This method has the disadvantage that the treatment is likely to produce a long time.
  • The treatment with the cream. They lubricate the wart up to three times per week. But when you apply it, you can feel the itch, it is possible for soil erosion, redness of the skin;
  • Retinoids such as an oil. They treat their warts within 12 weeks. Also it is forbidden during pregnancy.
  • The injection of a local focus of infection, once every 7 days for a total of three to four weeks. The application is prohibited during pregnancy.
  • For this purpose the cells, infection and killing of the microbial pathogens. In dealing with warts you should be constantly inside an hour or so. After a break of one week and is carried out in the treatment. If you papilomase does not go away after 14 days, it's done with a treatment, and thus, no more than 4 of the following. It is prohibited for the application, when the elderly growths, and in the paediatric ward;

If your talking about the treatment of the purely popular forms, so there is a high level of popularity that it gained in the use of the celandine. Their juice and process to a wart several times a day. When it is dark outside, it's the dark skin removed, and continue to be a stain on, even in the complete removal of the warts.

The prevention of the disease

The main measures of prevention are taken into account:

  • adherence to self-care in public places;
  • living a healthy lifestyle to keep you can boost immunity;
  • with a steady sexual partner, when an act of sexual intercourse with a tested partner to use a condom;
  • a sufficient intake of vitamins;
  • to conduct a sexual life from 18 years of age, when the mucous membrane of the cervix is already very mature, and you can protect yourself;
  • to prevent artificial interruption of pregnancy, and of coarse sex.
  • a time to heal inflammatory disease.

A campaign of vaccination and, at times, may experience some side effects, such as harm-being, increased temperature, redness of the skin at the site of vaccination.